Friday, November 20, 2009

New HIV prevention program launched by The Center, Sisters of Color

The Sisters of Color United for Education and The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Colorado are pleased to announce the formation of a new HIV prevention program aimed at the Latino MSM (Men having Sex with Men) population.

The organizations recently secured a $110,000 grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to provide outreach and HIV prevention services to the Latino MSM community.

"I'm excited to be a part of a group that is determined to see great things happen in our community," said Alejandro Castro, the project's Development Team Co-Chair. "Through the program's innovative methods of reaching Latino MSM, we intend to have a significant impact in reducing HIV infection among Latinos."

Read more after the jump.

The counties that are the focus of this project -- Denver, Adams, Arapahoe and Jefferson -- represent 78 percent of the people living with HIV in Colorado, according to the March 2009 HIV and AIDS in Colorado Surveillance Report. The same report shows that among those living with HIV in Colorado, 87 percent are male, 71 percent were infected because of male-to-male sexual contact and more than 25 percent are Latino.

Latinos also often face added language and cultural barriers, and an alarming 36 percent of Latinos in Colorado are uninsured.

"Sisters of Color continues to be a resource for the Latino community and we are fortunate to be partnering with the Latino MSM leadership in helping them build a community program that embraces their culture and traditions, while respecting their values," said Belinda Garcia, Executive Director, Sisters of Color.

The groups organizing this project will host a community information meeting for those wanting to learn more or get involved. The meeting will take place on Dec. 19 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Sisters of Color office at 2895 W. 8th Ave. in Denver.

"We are very pleased to be collaborating with the Latino MSM community and assisting them in creating the infrastructure that will allow them to become their own independent organization," said Carlos Martinez, Executive Director of the GLBT Community Center of Colorado.