Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Books: Positively Aware HIV Drug Guide

The 14h Annual Positively Aware HIV Drug Guide, widely recognized throughout the country as the "must-have" tool for HIV service providers and consumers alike, is now available. With 28 FDA-approved HIV therapies to choose from, finding the most effective regimen is more important than ever. The Positively Aware HIV Drug Guide provides vital information to individuals living with HIV as well as their caregivers on how best to manage their treatment.

Inside, readers will find a page devoted exclusively to each medication, along with a special color pull-out drug chart. This year's HIV Drug Chart is sponsored by Walgreens, and allows users to easily and quickly pinpoint dosing information as well as food and liquid requirements for each drug. Also included in the guide are viewpoints on each drug from a well-respected physician and activist. Readers will also find tips on how to use each medication, plus detailed information on side effects, drug interactions, HIV drugs in the pipeline, and more.

More info after the jump.

Contributors to this year's HIV Drug Guide include Cal Cohen, MD, research director of Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates and Community Research Initiative of New England in Boston, Massachusetts, and a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School; Jeff Taylor, a member of the Community Advisory Board of the Antiviral Research Center at the University of California, San Diego and vice co-chair of the AIDS Treatment Activist Coalition's Drug Development Committee; and Swarup Mehta, PharmD of Walgreens Pharmacy at Northstar Medical Center in Chicago, and a member of TPAN's board of directors.

"Positively Aware's Annual HIV Drug Guide has become an invaluable tool for many people-both for those of us who prescribe these drugs and our HIV-positive patients," says Dr. Cohen. "I was honored and pleased to contribute my comments to this year's edition."

This year's HIV Drug Guide also contains an updated and expanded article outlining the various drug co-pay and patient assistance programs being offered by many pharmaceutical companies. "In our ongoing economic crisis and continued high rates of unemployment, these programs offer much-needed assistance to people who may or may not have health insurance, but are being adversely affected by rising co-pays and HIV medication costs," says Positively Aware Editor Jeff Berry.