Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HRC teams up with Kathy Griffin and veterans for Don't Ask, Don't Tell rally

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, two-time Emmy award winning entertainer, Kathy Griffin, and Iraq and Afghanistan-era veterans will hold a public rally at noon on Thursday, March 18th at Freedom Plaza (on Pennsylvania Ave. NW between 13th and 14th streets) in Washington, DC. The rally is part of an on-going campaign to build a grassroots army of advocates speaking out in the effort to repeal the military’s discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law this year.

Kathy Griffin will be live-tweeting the event and you can follow her here.

“Thursday’s rally is a great opportunity for us to continue the already on-going grassroots efforts that are underway throughout the country to organize and mobilize the over 70% of Americans who are in favor of repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’” said Human Rights Campaign National Field Director Marty Rouse. “The millions of people who watch Kathy’s show, follow her tweets and are fans of her work, are an untapped resource and this rally provides us with a public event around which to organize as we go forward with the work of building the army of grassroots advocates.”