Friday, April 9, 2010

Berkely, California School Board adopts HRC's Welcoming Schools Guide

Welcoming Schools Item from Mark Coplan on Vimeo.

After four years of collaboration by parents, educators and administrators to make their schools supportive and inclusive of all families, the Berkeley, California School Board voted unanimously last month to adopt the Human Rights Campaign’s “Welcoming Schools Guide” as official district curriculum. With strong leadership from the Our Family Coalition and many committed principals, teachers, parents, school board members, union representatives and district administrators throughout Berkeley Unified, this represents another victory in the pursuit of fairness, full inclusion and equality for all families, including those with LGBT parents/guardians.

“We applaud the Berkeley School Board for recognizing the importance of addressing diversity and bias in a way that includes LGBT individuals and families, and we are delighted that our ‘Welcoming Schools Guide’ was chosen as the resource that best supports this effort,” said HRC Family Project Director Ellen Kahn.

The program is also being piloted in New Bedford, Mass., San Francisco, Calif. and Minneapolis, Minn.