Monday, June 7, 2010

Cho Dependent

Margaret Cho will release her new album 'Cho Dependent' on August 24.

“I want to create a new genre of music that is hilarious but also seriously good, so I turned to some of my music heroes to help me out,” says Margaret Cho in reference to her forthcoming album Cho-Dependent. “I have wanted to make an album like this forever. I love comedy music!”

The lyrics on 'Cho Dependent,' which tackle issues of sex, drugs, rock & roll – and lice, may be laugh-inducing, but Cho has made no compromises when it comes to the quality of the songwriting and production. After “My Puss,” a hilarious rap parody Cho recorded impromptu-style with friends, became a surprise YouTube hit, Cho began to integrate more comedy music into her live stand-up shows. With Cho Dependent, her first comedy music album, Cho got a chance to hone her craft with some of the top names in the business.

“Over the years of being an intense music geek I got to meet a lot of my heroes and I tricked them all into writing songs with me,” explains Cho. “Most comics want to be rock stars, and most rock stars want to be comics, so it was an easy exchange.”
Ultimately Cho hopes to raise the bar for the genre as a whole – and get a little recognition for her contribution to the cause. Her motivations for this latter goal however are naturally as subversive as her humor. “I want to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and on Elvis Costello's Spectacle so I can talk all serious about my songwriting ‘process’ -- which is basically trying to figure out what rhymes with ‘dick.’”
Margaret will bring her 'Cho Dependent Tour' to Denver's Paramount Theatre on October 9.