Wednesday, October 27, 2010

White House Office of National AIDS Policy hosts HIV and Aging meeting

On Wednesday, October 27, 2010 from 8:30am-12:00 pm, the White House Office of National AIDS Policy is hosting an HIV and Aging meeting.   The purpose of the meeting is to raise awareness about people who are aging with HIV or contracting HIV as seniors; to explore unique clinical manifestations of HIV infection among older adults; to discuss existing services for seniors living with HIV and highlight successes as well as gaps; and to discuss targeted strategies for federal and non-federal stakeholders to realize the vision of the President’s National HIV/AIDS Strategy
This meeting is part of a series of discussions that have been convened at the White House by the Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) over the past year.  Past meetings have focused on women, youth, Latinos and other groups.  Past meetings have also focused on issues such as HIV and housing or public-private partnerships.  For details about previous meetings, please refer to the blog section on ONAP’s website at 

This event will be live streamed at