Saturday, November 20, 2010

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance - a day to honor transgender victims of violence.

Local author and trans activist Matt Kailey (pictured below left) says that the Transgender Day of Remembrance is important not only to the GLBT community but for the mainstream community as well.

Says Kailey, "Transgender Day of Remembrance is an important day for the trans community because it is the day we remember those of us who have been killed due to anti-trans violence. And it's important for the rest of the population because it is the day that we are able to bring attention to the fact that people continue to die due to the brutality and hatred and violence that our community continues to experience just for being who we are."

For those who would like to attend, three will be a Denver Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremony held tonight from 7-9 p.m. in Golden at the Jefferson Unitarian Church sponsored by the Gender Identity Center of Colorado.

For more ways (five to be exact) to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance check out Matt Kailey's article Five Ways to Observe Transgender Day of Remembrance.