Monday, December 6, 2010

Joe Rehyansky's intelligent arguments against gays in the military

Hunky veteran Joe Rehyansky (pictured) recently wrote an editorial for The Daily Caller in which he listed a number of intelligent arguments against allowing gays to serve openly in the military.

Among them:

1. They will look at your weiner in the shower! Says Rehyansky, "shouldn’t the overwhelmingly straight warriors who answer their county’s call be spared the indignity of showering with other men who achieve lascivious enjoyment from the sight of those lithe naked bodies?"

2. They're sex-crazed! Rehyansky says that monogamous, stable gay men are "rarer than hyperactive sloths."

3. They're diseased! Says Rehyansky, "... gays spread disease at a rate out of all proportion to their numbers in our population and should be excluded from the military."

Thanks to Daily Beast for including Joe Rehyansky in their 'This Week in Crazy" column and pointing out the ridiculousness of the people who are against the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. And, as they point out, the piece ended with Rehyansky writing, 
"My solution would get the distaff part of our homosexual population off our collective "Broke Back," thus giving straight male GIs a fair shot at converting lesbians and bringing them into the mainstream."

How crazy (and horrifying) is that?

The Daily Caller later removed that particular sentence from the insightful and intelligent piece.