Monday, April 4, 2011

Party-line committee vote kills Colorado civil unions bill

All six Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee voted together last Thursday to kill the Colorado civil unions bill, despite testimony from their openly gay colleague, Rep. Mark Ferrandino (pictured), the bill's sponsor. "What makes me saddest is there were people on that committee who were, I think, supportive in their hearts but weren't willing to stand up against the leadership and the far-right fringe of their party," Ferrandino said.

The GLBT Community Center of Colorado (The Center) issued the following statement regarding the decision:

As a member of a coalition of organizations representing the 72% of Coloradans in support of civil unions, The Center believes that yesterday's House committee vote against moving the Colorado Civil Unions bill (SB-172) was out of touch and does not represent the views of mainstream Colorado. Disappointing but certinly not the end of the road as the fight for LGBT equality continues moving forward.