Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dixie Longate is back and fresher than ever!

by Matt Kailey

Dixie Longate is back – and fresher than ever. Her food is fresh, too – and so is ours, thanks to Dixie’s Tupperware Party, the hit show featuring Dixie Longate, the fast-talking Tupperware Lady who brings an actual Tupperware Party with her wherever she goes.

A few years ago, Dixie packed up her catalogues, left her children in an Alabama trailer park and took Off-Broadway by storm! Now she travels the country throwing good ol' fashioned Tupperware Parties filled with outrageously funny tales, heartfelt accounts, free giveaways, audience participation and the most fabulous assortment of Tupperware ever sold on a theater stage.

See for yourself how Ms. Dixie Longate became the #1 Tupperware seller in the U.S. and Canada. Just head for Dixie’s Tupperware Party from July 27 through August 21 at the Garner Galleria Theatre at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets start at $30 and performances are Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m., with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m.

Let Dixie educate you on the many alternative uses she has discovered for her plastic products on. And get ready to purchase the absolute latest products while you’re there. Yes, this is a real Tupperware Party – so clean out those cupboards and prepare to stock up on freshness!

Matt: Dixie, you were a big hit in Denver when you were here last. Tell those who were crazy enough to miss your show what a Dixie's Tupperware Party is all about.

Dixie: Remember when your momma and all her friends got together and locked themselves in the living room so they could laugh and drink and talk about plastic bowls and drink and play some games and laugh with their friends and drink some more? Well, it is kind of exactly like that, but now your momma ain't gonna lock the door. Instead, I'm inviting you to join your momma and me and some other neighbors to laugh yourselves silly while learning about the best food storage crap on the planet and see what you were missing all those years. And you can drink without spilling in our adult sippy cups. 

What's new and hot in Tupperware for 2011?
Well, it is the summer grilling and barbecue season, so of course we have some of the old classics – like the hamburger press and the meat marinader to keep your meat all nice and moist and delicious – but we also have some great new things to serve all that food with and take it to the park in so you can ditch those old margarine tubs and Chinese takeout containers. Tupperware has got you covered! I've got things for the kitchen, new things for the bedroom, and plenty of gadgets so that case of wine goes from being held captive in your trunk to cup-holder ready in the time it takes for that light to turn from red to green!

Everyone I know complains that there are too many bottoms and not enough tops. I assume they're talking about their food-storage systems. How can Tupperware solve the problem of the disappearing tops?

Oh, Lord, have you said a mouthful! I have had more people come up to me with that same complaint. Just the other day, my friend, Judy-Lynn, was passing the collection plate and practically fell to her knees right there at church, screaming, “I need more tops! I need more tops!” Well, again, Tupperware to the rescue. I can always help you fortify the number of tops you had so that each bottom has something that fits snugly on it, and Tupperware also has the coolest little gadget called “The Place for Seals” where you can store all your tops once I help you get them all matched up, so that you will never have this pesky, irritating, painful issue again.

If a person could only have one piece of Tupperware, which one should it be and why?
That is almost a cruel question. Having only one piece of Tupperware is like having one lung. It is almost impossible to live with that and still function fully in society, but if I had to pare down my collection to just one thing, it would have to be my Can Opener. It is the most amazing thing in the world. It is as though the Baby Jesus himself came down and placed heaven right in your hands – and then told you to open a can with it. But then took it back from you so that he could open the can for you, ’cause it is that good that Jesus wanted the opportunity to use it. And then he handed the opened can back to you. And then gave you back the can opener. It is THAT good!

What's the most creative use of Tupperware that you have ever seen?
I actually saw this lady who uses the Jell-o Molds to make pendant lights. I want one for my trailer. I think they are the coolest thing. I mean, I have used my Tupperware for all sorts of things and in every room in the house, from the kitchen to the car to the flowerbed to the compost heap, but to rig it up and use it to light the way from the front door to the bedroom is just ingenious.

I have a gazillion old food-storage containers and they all fall out on my head when I open my cabinets. I have recently moved, and now I don't even have the space to store them all. I want to throw them all out and buy a nice, convenient set of Tupperware that doesn't take up a lot of space and is versatile. Which set or particular pieces do you recommend?
I saw that one commercial which shows that lady with the same problem that you have. Well, I mean, she sort of had a spastic episode when she opened her cupboards to make all the crap fall on her head, but I get the concern. I mean, your concern, and other Homosectionals like yourself. I don't think most people actually go rummaging through their cupboards for containers when they feel a spastic episode coming on, so she might have just been an isolated case that they caught on camera, but whatever your case, we have you taken care of. We have these bowls called the Flat Outs that literally collapse down to a Frisbee looking disc that you can store anywhere at all. They expand to put your food in and then when you are finished – squash! Like magic, it's tiny and manageable. You can throw it into your briefcase or gym bag and away you go. No spastic episode required!

The holidays are a ways away, but there's no reason people can't stock up on gifts now. What are the best pieces to buy for others as gifts?
The Wine Bottle Opener makes a great stocking stuffer. Think of the little one's eyes when they see a shiny new corkscrew instead of lumpy old coal again this year. Of course, I will have a ton of great specials to get your mind racing. You will be able to get some fine quality food storage solutions and then knock several people off the list at once. And when grandma sees a set of Tupperware bowls under the tree, she will be completely convinced that you still care about her and just lavish you with kisses, praise, and reindeer-shaped cookies that take like cinnamon and denture adhesive. Oh, it is a great Christmas after all!

What else would you like to say?
Lots of people think that Tupperware Parties are just for ladies. They couldn't be more dead-wronger! Come to my Tupperware Party and I promise you that you will laugh yourself silly, play some games, learn some stuff, and maybe even win some of the Best Food Storage Solutions on the planet. And just in time to take it to your Labor Day Party and be drooled up on by absolutely everybody.

Don’t miss Dixie's Tupperware Party. Get your tickets now! And you can read more from Matt Kailey at Tranifesto.com.