Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WERQ! Career Advice for Gay Men

Lights, Camera, Action … Get ready, your next job interview might be on Skype! 

by Simon O'Mahony, the Undercover Recruiter

In an effort to save time and money a lot of companies are now turning to video-chat software to interview job candidates. Like everything else, practice makes perfect. Getting past camera shyness and not speaking face to face can be a challenge but here are some tips on how you should handle a Skype interview.

Look into the camera, not at your screen 
This takes practice. Natural instinct is to look at the screen but by not looking into the camera if gives the impression that you are not making eye contact with the interviewer.

Get rid of interruptions and distractions
Since you will be probably doing your interview from the comfort of your home, be aware of interruptions. As with an in-person interview, turn off your cell phone, make sure you dog is not barking in the background, make sure loud music is not playing in the next room, and be sure to let roommates or family members know that you are conducting an interview so they don’t barge in on you.

Background Check
Your background surroundings can say a lot about you. If possible shoot your camera against a blank wall, and make sure you clear off your desk. Remove clutter, coffee cups etc.

Dress for Success
Treat this like an in-person interview. Be professional, properly groomed, clean and simple. Do not take the risk of putting on a shirt and tie and wearing shorts or pajama bottoms and thinking the camera won't see it. Too many things can go wrong!

Conduct a Mock Interview
Ask a friend or family member to conduct a mock interview via Skype and record it. This gives you the opportunity to get comfortable with the technology, to check your connections and camera, and also allows you to see how you look and sound on camera. Another idea is to practice in front of a mirror as this not only helps you with the content of your message but will familiarize you with how you sound and how you look.

Get to know proper Web Cam Etiquette 
You do not want to sit too close to the camera. However, you do want to lean in and sit forward. This will allow interviewers to clearly read your facial expressions. Again, look at the camera, and not the screen. Put your hands where you can see them so the interviewer can read your body language and other non-verbal cues. Add extra enthusiasm and keep your answers clear, concise and to the point.

Congratulations, you've nailed your Skype interview!

Simon O’Mahony, originally from Dublin, Ireland, was personally recruited by Sage Hospitality and joined the organization as a Corporate Recruiter in 2006. In 2009, Simon was promoted into the role of Talent Acquisition Manager for Sage Hospitality and Sage Restaurant Group. Simon is responsible for hiring management positions for Sage Hospitality nationwide and for their corporate office in downtown Denver. He is also involved in overall recruiting initiatives including college recruiting programs, diversity initiatives, and employer branding. Simon works with several local and nationwide agencies, colleges, universities, in order to build a network and pipeline of candidates. In 2009 he was the recipient of the Sage Innovation Award as a result of his use of social media networking to enhance the recruiting process.

When he is not recruiting, (Recruiters are always working!) Simon enjoys Colorado’s beautiful outdoors. He also has a passion for photography and while it sounds like a cliché he loves meeting new people (which is why he probably loves recruiting!). Simon is a supporter of several non-profit organizations in Denver.

Simon can be reached at