Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Colorado Civil Unions Recap (UPDATED)

The Civil Unions Bill died without a vote last night despite the best efforts of Mark Ferrandino, thousands of rallyers, and GLBT rights groups like One Colorado. Here

Here's what the Denver Post had to say about the proceedings:
Colorado lawmakers are set to wrap up their annual session Wednesday after one of their most heated issues—a civil unions proposal—died amid chants of "shame on you" from gay rights supporters the night before.

The proposal and other key bills died without a vote late Tuesday after Republicans abruptly ended the day's work. 

Click here for the full article.

And from Brad Clark, Executive Director of One Colorado:
I am beyond angry, and you should be, too.

House leadership just shut down the Colorado House to effectively kill the Colorado Civil Union Act. After promising a fair hearing and process, House leadership decided that it was more important to play politics than do the people’s business. Now, they must be held accountable.

It's no secret that this bill had more than enough votes to pass on the floor. And after winning bipartisan support in the Senate and three House committees, we deserved a full up-or-down vote by the entire House. But today, House leadership pandered to the far-right fringe of their party and put partisan politics ahead of protecting Colorado families.

We must fight back in November.  We must hold House leadership accountable for their actions. Join us now to elect a pro-equality majority.

We cannot forget what happened in the last days of the session -- when House leadership, who had promised a fair hearing, chose to play politics with our families.

We have to keep fighting. And we're starting by changing the legislature. If House leadership won't support our families, then we will elect leaders who will have the courage to stand on the right side of history.

Although November seems far away, our work to change the legislature starts today. And you can be a part of electing a pro-equality majority.

With a gift of $25, $50, or $100 -- you can have a huge impact on electing pro-equality lawmakers in November. Click here to make your contribution.

After all the hard work we've done as a community, I'm angry and hurt leadership put their extreme agenda before protecting our families. But I'm focused on channeling my energy into creating change in our legislature. I hope you'll join me.

In the end, I promise -- we will be victorious.