Thursday, June 14, 2012

Health and Fitness: The Power of "I CAN!"

By Thom Seehafer

Do you have any idea how much POWER the words 'I CAN' have?

Most people find it easier to say the opposite, 'I CAN’T', because it takes less effort to say that than it does to actually try.

Saying those two words might be considered a knee jerk reaction. You know, engaging the mouth before you engage the brain. How many times have you said I CAN'T as a knee jerk reaction? Be honest.

What I ask is, how do you know you can’t do it? Have you ever tried? Many times the answer is no. So I scratch my head and raise my eyebrow and I wonder, did someone tell you that you can't? Because those words have power too.

But not as much as the word 'I CAN'. These words inspire confidence and we can never have enough of that—children today should be taught this thought process, just like they are taught how to eat and walk and bathe.

We all want to be successful, be it in love or career or sports, however a close relative of success is a six-letter word called 'EFFORT'. And it seems to me that it's a word a lot of people are afraid of.  But they don't have to be, if they start by telling themselves, 'I CAN'.

When you think, say and feel those two words, it convinces not just yourself, but all those around you that you have the desire to be your very best.

Be silly for just a minute. Look in the mirror right now and think of something that you have put off or avoided because you told yourself 'I CAN'T'. Then say these word out loud, 'I CAN!' Put some passion into it. Some oomph! And you know what? You'll be right.

Thom Seehafer is a martial artist, body-builder and part-owner of Body Solutions Rx.