Thursday, July 5, 2012

From the files of Dr. Jason Markijohn: Shoulder Pain

By Dr. Jason Markijohn

Do you have:

• Sharp pain upon lifting your arm overhead?
• Constant dull and achy pain in your shoulder and mid-back?
• Decreased strength and endurance in your shoulder?

There are a number of possible causes for these symptoms including:

• Overuse of your muscles.
• Imprope• Muscle imbalances via: tight anterior muscles (pecs & subscapularis) and fatigued/weakened posterior muscles (rhomboids & traps)
• Decreased oxygen, blood and nutrients to the injured joints and tissues

How can we fix shoulder pain?

We conduct a thorough physical exam to evaluate your joints and muscles. We are looking for improper joint bio-mechanics that are causing wear and tear on your muscles in your shoulders. Once we have identified the cause for your shoulder pain, we adjust the joints that are stuck and use Active Release Technique to break down any scar tissue or adhesion's in your muscles. Once we have done this we give you detailed stretching and strengthening exercises to do to make sure that the problem does not come back.

A gay chiropractor for gay Denver, Dr. Jason Markijohn, DC at Cherry Creek Spine & Sport Clinic has extensive knowledge of the common spinal problems that cause headaches in addition to the more rare diseases which occasionally cause the same symptoms. Call 303-759-5575 to schedule an initial consultation.

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