Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Gay Vegans: The Love Gay

By Dan Hanley

Mike and I were at Veg Fest Colorado the weekend of July 7th. We had a blast. Our vegan company, Cruelty-Free World was a sponsor of the fest and we loved selling cookbooks, purses, belts, wallets as well as promoting our blog.

I just had to share a conversation Mike had with two young children at our booth:

Child: What kind of gay does that mean?

Mike: Well that is my husband over there. I am married to another man.

Child:  Oh, so the love gay.

Mike: Yes. (Of course I was a bit overwhelmed by his statement. What a great way to explain gay.)

His sister: I thought you said you were from Colorado, isn't that illegal?

Mike: Yes, but in our eyes we are married.

Both kids: We think it is just stupid you can't get married. They need to change that.

What a great way to explain gay indeed! The first child had seen our cards and sign promoting The Gay Vegans. I still get a little teary eyed when I talk or write about this. It was just so cool. And their mother just smiled as the conversation was going on.

From Mike: What awesome kids. Taught me something. I love talking with children as they are so open and truthful.

The kids were in 4th or 5th grade.

Thank you for reading!

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.