Monday, August 13, 2012

Best Beatlets Tribute on Earth set to hit Golden, Colorado

1964 1964 THE TRIBUTE has been greeted by cheering audiences and sold out crowds wherever they have appeared world wide, headlining over 120 shows around the globe each year.  Fans from eight to 80 have been enthralled by the band's accurate re-creation of a Beatles concert performed live, with exact detailed reproduction of the songs, voices, instruments, suits, haircuts and even the iconic "Beatle Boots" made famous by the Fab Four.  Accolades from press and celebrities alike have been enthusiastic.  Beloved music historian and TV host Dick Clark said "1964 creates the magic of The Beatles."

Now that magic is returning to Golden!  1964 THE TRIBUTE will appear at the Red Rocks Amphitheater on Friday, August 24. Click here for tickets.  

In the past, 1964 THE TRIBUTE has performed at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver, CO nine times to sellout crowds of 10,000.  Their 11 appearances at New York City's Carnegie Hall - site of The Beatles' first concert in New York in 1963 - have seen all seats in the venue filled to the brim, with the audience dancing in the aisles, singing along as grandparents introduce their grandchildren to every well known song, and parents recall their own teenage fandom. 

1964 THE TRIBUTE is Mark Benson as John, Graham Alexander as Paul, Tom Work as George and Bobby Potter as Ringo.  Each musician is an expert at playing his own instrument, singing and performing completely in character as the Beatle he represents.  The show is true to an actual early Beatles concert with wardrobe and set list accurate to the time period.  1964 THE TRIBUTE has appeared on TV programs such as Fox News, CBS Early Show, Imus In The Morning and PM Magazine.  Countries in which they have performed include England, Chile, Austria, Germany, the Cayman Islands, Mexico and Canada as well as all over the U.S., in concert halls as well as stadiums and arenas including Shea Stadium in NY and Busch Stadium in St. Louis.