Monday, February 11, 2013

Colorado Civil Unions Under Attack?

From Brad Clark, Executive Director of One Colorado:

"... I watched the Colorado Senate pass civil unions. But don't be fooled: civil unions are under attack as opponents use fear and lies about our families as the bill moves forward.

Senator Kent Lambert said our families were unclean and unholy - and compared the passage of civil unions to the Holocaust.

Our opponents will stop at nothing to undermine our families-and we need your help to stop their attacks on our kids.

Senator Owen Hill wants to reserve the right to freely discriminate against LGBT Coloradans.  Make no mistake about it: his dangerous, deceptive amendment would allow anyone to deny our families critical services like adoption and healthcare for any reason whatsoever. Opponents of equality are willing to make our most vulnerable into collateral damage in this debate.

That's why we need your help today to stop them -- so please click here to make your gift of $15 or more so we can expose their threats.

We need every member of the House to know the real facts on civil unions -- and not get sidetracked by lies and threats. And that's why I'm asking for your continued support today. One Colorado has to amp up our phone, mail, and online programs so that civil unions can pass with bi-partisan support.

Join us with a gift of $15 or more today to fund our rapid response to these baseless attacks on our families.

For the third year now, we've advocated for civil unions because they provide immediate protections that so many Coloradans desperately need. I want our families to know that Republicans and Democrats alike support their love and their chance at a good life. With your help, we can get this done.

P.S. Your gift of $15 allows us to send 200 additional postcards to members of the Colorado House. Please click here to contribute whatever you can today so we can pass civil unions.