Friday, May 17, 2013

Take a stand right now for equality in Scouting


In less than a week, the Boy Scouts of America will hold a critical vote. We need your help to keep the pressure on with one simple action.

Today, anti-gay activists will gather across the country to urge the Boy Scouts to keep discriminating against gay youth and parents. Will you show them that you - and the majority of Americans - support equality in Scouting? Change your Facebook and Twitter pictures at to show your friends, family and neighbors that this is about equality.

For over a year, GLAAD has worked with Jennifer Tyrrell, Zach Walhs and others around the clock to end the Boy Scouts' ban on gay Scouts and leaders. We've come so far, and we need you to show that you want to bring equality to Scouting now. The BSA's long history of discrimination needs to end.

Stand with us at this important time.

P.S. Help GLAAD keep the pressure on by donating just $5, and you'll receive an Equality in Scouting patch!