Thursday, October 31, 2013

Creepy Confections: Mile High Monster Mash Recipe

By Brandon Engel

Looking for recipes for festive nibbles for your Halloween party? My friend Gayle and I had a whimsical impulse that I thought I’d share, in the spirit of the season.
So this was the idea: take the vintage Halloween breakfast cereals (Frankenberry, BooBerry, etc.) and make cereal treats with them. I call it “Monster Mash.”

This was a particularly exciting batch of Mash because this year we had two more (freshly resurrected) monsters at the table who haven’t been around for decades -- The Fruity Yummy Mummy (originally discontinued 20 years ago), and Frute Brute (discontinued 29 years ago). This is the first year General Mills has released all five monster cereals at the same time. Gayle and I had were thrilled to find that they had also  been released in their vintage packaging.

So like a couple of cackling witches hovering over our cauldron, Gayle and I whipped these together last night, and I must say, they’re quick and easy to make -- a similar process to making Rice Krispies treats.

 Here’s what you need:

  • Breakfast cereals (for my batch, I chose Fruity Yummy Mummy, Fruit Bruit, Franken Berry, and BooBerry. Count Chocula is a strong enough flavor to merit his own cereal treat. We didn’t think he would play nicely with the other monsters.)
  • 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 4 cups of mini marshmallows
  • 6 cups of cereal (you determine the ratios)

(Photos courtesy of Brandon Engel)
Heat the butter in a saucepan and slowly add in the marshmallows while stirring frequently. Mix everything together until it melts into a gooey, marshmallow paste. Pour the cereal into the pan and mix until all of the cereal is coated with the marshmallow paste.

Grease a cookie sheet and pour the contents of the saucepan onto it. Distribute the mixture evenly, and allow it to cool. Once cool, simply cut it up’s alivvvveee!!!

Author bio: Brandon Engel is a blogger for with a keen interest in entertainment and pop culture. He has written on a variety of topics -- everything from monster cereals to the origins of satellite internet.