Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Meet Out Spokin', Denver's Gay Cycling Organization

Founded in 1998, OUT Spokin’ is an all volunteer GLBT cycling organization. Bicyclists of all abilities train together and participate in cycling events throughout Colorado and the United States. OUT Spokin' has maintained a strong, positive presence at the Courage Classic bicycle tour, the group's signature event, every year since its founding.

Most of OUT Spokin' riders are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, but our team also includes supportive friends and family of Colorado's GLBT community. Riders range in age from early twenties to mid-sixties and older. Abilities range from beginners who have never ridden in a cycling event to seasoned cyclists who combine participation in OUT Spokin' with training for Colorado's most difficult cycling events.

OUT Spokin' focuses on touring rather than racing. Members have registered as a group and participated in events including the Elephant Rock Century, Wyoming's Tour de Prairie, the MS150, the Courage Classic, Ride the Rockies, Triple Bypass, and the Emily Griffith Road Ramble. OUT Spolin' has also helped riders train for various AIDS Vaccine Rides!

OUT Spokin' welcomes riders at all stages in their cycling careers. There are a number of membership levels described on their membership page. Once you become a member, all you have to do is ride and enjoy the many social activities that OUT Spokin’ offers. All they ask is that you join them for at least one charity ride and that you wear your OUT Spokin' Jersey with pride.