Thursday, December 5, 2013

GOProud reacts to comments from Congressman Forbes

Today GOProud – a national organization of gay and straight Americans seeking to promote freedom by supporting free markets, limited government and respect for individual rights – released the following statement in regards to Representative Forbes' recent campaign to steer funding away from openly gay Republican candidates for U.S. Congress, Richard Tisei and Carl DeMaio.  
"Representative Forbes’ recent behavior is disappointing. This type of rhetoric is symptomatic of someone who does not understand the importance of being a team player. Our Party cannot win elections by appealing to the lowest common denominator amongst the minority of American voters. This type of rhetoric embarrasses Republicans everywhere, and it is not helpful.

Our Party cannot afford to waste anymore time and political capital on frivolous in-fighting, especially not when the stakes are so high and millions of Americans are struggling within the Obama-conomy. It would benefit our Party if our elected officials focused their rhetoric on the strengths that unify us - smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, and a respect for individual rights. If conversations turn negative, let it be while discussing the massive failures of the Obama administration, not the personal lives of our conservative colleagues.

It’s up to the people of Massachusetts and California to elect their representatives; we must respect the natural system of democracy and the voter’s ability to choose who represents them best.  Rep. Forbes’ recent rhetoric is indicative of the type of petty beltway politics that turn the American people away from politics, and away from our Party. The pretense of his attacks were personal, and had nothing to do with either candidate’s ability to represent their district well.

In order to to appeal to a diverse group of people, we must embrace unique candidates who can win in traditionally democratic districts. At GOProud, we work to broaden the base of the Republican Party, ensuring that the Republicans increase their margins in both houses. It is our humble suggestion that all of our Party leaders seek to do the same. If we wish to earn the trust of the American people, we could to learn a lot from leaders like Richard Tisei and Carl DeMaio, who recognize the value of unity, civility and respect. Those, are the fundamental elements of a winning message."