Friday, May 30, 2014

GOProud Praises GOP Representative Dent

Today GOProud released the following statement commending U.S. Representative Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania for his recent declaration of support for same-sex marriage .

“We are proud to have Rep. Dent among the ranks of thousands of modern conservatives, who value individual rights and believe that in America, freedom applies to everyone.” Said Matthew Bechstein, Executive Director of GOProud (pictured left).

“Rep. Dent has arrived to a conclusion on marriage that aligns him with several conservative leaders in congress; it is yet another example of where the winning Republican Party is headed.

“As support for expanding marriage freedom grows among the American electorate, leaders like Rep. Dent will continue to come around on the issue. That is why it is essential for organizations like GOProud continue their important work” Bechstein concluded.