Monday, June 23, 2014

American Apparel unveils new LGBT Pride tees in partnership with GLAAD

GLAAD and American Apparel recently announced a renewal of their annual pride partnership with a newly designed t-shirt to be released in conjunction with LGBT Pride Month. Fifteen percent of all net sales will benefit GLAAD’s work to rewrite the script for LGBT equality.

The shirts, which are now available online and in stores across the nation, can be viewed here:

“American Apparel has always been a passionate ally of the LGBTQI community. From our now iconic “Legalize Gay!” and “GAY O.K.” tag lines and our ongoing partnership with GLAAD, American Apparel is committed for the long haul," said Dov Charney, founder and CEO of American Apparel.

GLAAD also announced today that World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Superstar Darren Young will join GLAAD at the 44th Annual LGBT Pride March in New York City on June 29. He also walked with GLAAD in the L.A. Pride Parade on Sunday, June 8. Young became the first openly gay WWE superstar in August 2013. Photos of Young and GLAAD at the parade are available at

For more information or to join GLAAD and American Apparel at the NYC Pride march, visit