Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tell AG Suthers & Gov. Hickenlooper: Don't delay marriage in Colorado!

Wendy Howell, Marriage Director, Why Marriage Matters Colorado:
Yesterday, Governor Hickenlooper and Attorney General Suthers pledged not to defend Colorado’s marriage ban, but then asked the courts to delay the implementation of any upcoming decision striking down Colorado’s marriage ban.

That means even if a court rules in favor of marriage equality, Colorado’s same-sex couples will continue to be denied the freedom to marry until the Supreme Court has a chance to rule (next year at the earliest)—at the request of our Governor and Attorney General.

Colorado families can’t wait—and the Governor and Attorney General need to know that if they delay marriage for same-sex couples, tens of thousands of Colorado families will suffer every single day as a result.

Call Gov. Hickenlooper and AG Suthers now and tell them to stop delaying the freedom to marry in Colorado—then click here to let us know you called:

Gov Hickenlooper: (303) 866-2471
AG Suthers: (720) 508-6000, press 0

Say: Hi, my name is ____________ and I live in ________. Colorado needs marriage equality now, so I’m calling to tell the [ATTORNEY GENERAL/GOVERNOR] that dropping defense of the marriage ban isn’t enough. Please allow a favorable ruling for marriage equality to stand without delay

If Governor Hickenlooper and AG Suthers request a stay, it would mean that Colorado’s marriage ban would remain on the books until the U.S. Supreme Court issues a ruling on marriage, which wouldn’t happen until mid-2015 at the absolute earliest.

Same-sex couples shouldn’t have to wait one more day, let alone one more year, to be afforded equal treatment under the law. The Governor and Attorney General’s announcement has real, dangerous consequences for real Colorado families.