Thursday, September 11, 2014

HRC Celebrates Victory Fund President & CEO Chuck Wolfe After a Decade of LGBT Leadership

Yesterday Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund and Institute, announced he would be leaving the organization after nearly 12 years as head of the organization. In response, Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Chad Griffin issued the following statement:

“Thanks to Chuck Wolfe’s tireless leadership and advocacy during his years at the Victory Fund, LGBT people are far better represented in elected office across America – more so than many in this community ever thought possible. During Chuck's tenure, Victory has helped to more than triple the number of openly LGBT Americans serving in elected and appointed office, and the number of out members serving in Congress has gone from just two to 8. Throughout history, government has virtually never been a leader on issues of equality. But Chuck Wolfe and the Victory Fund have helped to change that, ensuring that LGBT people are represented in the institutions with the power to address the vital needs of our community.

“We are sad to see Chuck leave. But at this pivotal moment in our nation’s history, the Victory Fund is in a powerful position to make great progress for the LGBT community throughout the nation. We look forward to a continued partnership with the organization and whoever is fortunate enough to take its helm. The entire HRC family wishes Chuck the very best, and the entire LGBT community owes him our deepest gratitude.”