Friday, May 8, 2015

Books: Take This Man: Gay Romance Stories

When the Supreme Court decided on June 26th, 2013 that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional, gay rights activists and proponents of love everywhere celebrated. Now, just two years later, 37 states have followed the Supreme Court’s lead, making it legal for gay couples to marry. Though the battle for the right to gay marriage isn’t over yet. This past week the Supreme Court sat down once again to discuss the legality of gay marriage in the United States, and, as before, we will have to wait until June to find out just how the issue will be settled nationally.

Set to be released on the 2nd anniversary of the repeal of DOMA—and just in time for wedding season—veteran Cleis Press author and editor Neil Plakcy brings us Take This Man: Gay Romance Stories. Plakcy, who has previously edited eight other anthologies of LGBT romance, offers up sixteen new stories of commited love, where the passion is proven with a ring. Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?