Monday, June 29, 2015

Nice to See StevieB: A New Room

By StevieB

It has been a week of boxes. A time of seemingly endless folding open, and taping cardboard boxes. To slowly packing items that belong to you. Sifting through what is yours and not yours. Sorting through what is yours or no longer yours. It is funny how things that you always just assumed were yours, somehow get moved to the "not yours" pile. You take what is now just yours and toss it into a cardboard box. Taping up whole thing closed.

Boxes are on the move.

Waking up in a different room can bring about a whirl of emotions. All in the time it takes to open your eyes. A sense of the unfamiliar, being a stranger in a strange room. The feeling of freedom. The understanding that the official close to a chapter of life. The acknowagement that an exciting and unknown path has been cleared.

Boxes are in the move. So am I.

This post originally appeared on Steven Bennet's website Nice to See StevieB. Republished with permission.