Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Supreme Court Decision on Birth Control Will Affect Millions of LGBTQ People

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear seven court cases that challenge the Affordable Care Act’s (2010) accommodation to the birth control benefit, which currently ensures that individuals have access to birth control coverage as part of their employee health insurance plan. The combined cases ask the highest court in the land to decide whether this accommodation violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (1993).

“We believe that freedom of religion is important—that’s why it is already protected in the Constitution. Unfortunately, self-interested politicians want to create sweeping religious exemptions that encourage businesses to pick and choose which laws they’re going to follow. Equality opponents have now taken their fight all the way to the Supreme Court in their attempt to use religion to block coverage for reproductive health care. We live in a nation that provides freedom of religion and freedom from religion. That means that faith should never be used as an excuse to discriminate against millions of people and vital health care access,” said Rea Carey, National LGBTQ Task Force Executive Director.

“It is clear that these cases are about discrimination against people who have the capacity to become pregnant. If the court rules in favor of equality opponents, the decision could have devastating consequences for millions of LGBTQ people—opening up a can of worms that result in endless lawsuits at the expense of taxpayers. Together, we must continue raising our voices and let the Supreme Court know that everyone deserves access to affordable health care inclusive of reproductive health,” Carey added.