Thursday, March 24, 2016

Denver Eagle to Relocate?

From the Denver Eagle Facebook page:

As most of you know, I don’t post many personal messages or life changes on Facebook. This one is already public, and since I’m directly involved and part of the Denver Eagle, I needed to say a few things. I have been absent this past week on Facebook. While I’ve know this was coming, it came much sooner than even I had expected, and hit me harder than expected. It has been more than I could handle emotionally and mentally, even though I put on the “happy” face while working since the announcement. I’m in a better place now, and ready to face what is going to happen and celebrate with everyone!

As many of you know, I started managing the Denver Eagle in 2012. The Denver Eagle had gone through some good times and bad times, as any bar does over the years. I brought some fresh energy, liaison to many groups in the community, and a person people could talk to, and a friendly welcome to EVERYONE that came into the Denver Eagle. I helped make many changes during my time as manager. I am extremely proud that I was able to make a difference in not only my life, but also thousands of others! My job was very rewarding and one that I will miss dearly!

I want to thank the amazing staff! Without a great staff, the Denver Eagle wouldn’t be what it is today! Thank you Jim V, Cliff, Dee, Joch, Nate, Steve, Shad, David, Mark, Scuff, and Ryan! Part of the staff was my leather family. It was not my intention of having my leather family working at the Denver Eagle, but things happen. While it was a struggle at times, I am very proud of my leather family for helping me be a better person and manager. Thank you Nate, David and Mark!!

I have heard, seen, answered THOUSANDS of questions the past few months since the public announcement that the land had sold where the Denver Eagle sits. I do believe it is the intention to relocate. I can tell you that saying that is easier than actually relocating. Finding affordable space, and a building that has our “atmosphere” is very difficult at best. We have been looking for quite some time now. I can only hope that if/when that time comes that the Denver Eagle re-opens, all of you will come join us and continue the party!

Again, I really want to thank the staff, and all the loyal patrons! As I have said, and I think others have as well, we are a bunch of misfits that feel welcome, loved, and can be ourselves at the Denver Eagle! It is what makes this place so special!

Please come help me and the Denver Eagle staff celebrate our final days at our current location! It’s going to be a freaking blast!!!

Love y’all!!!

Jim Craig
Manager, Denver Eagle