Monday, June 13, 2016

La Gente Unida Responds to Orlando Shooting

Listed below are La Gente Unida replies to the two questions posed by a reporter doing a story for Univision TV regarding the killings in Orlando, Florida.

What's your / your organization reaction to these events?

As a Chicano/a nonprofit in Denver since 1990, La Gente Unida stands in solidarity with Latinos, Latinas and other people who are condemning the mass killings at the gay nightclub in Orlando. Based on police reports that a “Latino” special social event was taking place at the nightclub when the murders took place, the Spanish surnames of Latino and Latina LGBT people probably will be a big part of the list once victims’ names are released by authorities. Although the killer reportedly told 911 that he was part of the terrorist organization ISIS, we urge the public to refrain from condemning and marginalizing all Islamic people just because one self-identified Muslim carried out the murders.

Do you think violence against LGBT has increased in this recent year?

According to the National Coalition of Anti Violence Programs, a nonprofit organization that tracks violence against LGBT people, violence has been on the increase – particularly against Transgender people of color.