Thursday, July 14, 2016

AIDS Walk Colorado - AIDS Memorial Quilt Requests

The AIDS Memorial Quilt, founded in 1987, is a powerful tool for use in the prevention
of new HIV infections. As the largest ongoing community arts project in the world,
The Quilt celebrates the lives of real people who were loved and lost to HIV/AIDS.

Each person is remembered on a 6-foot stretch of fabric called a panel.
Panels are created by the person’s family and friends who use personal artifacts and clothing to honor their loved one. Eight panels are then sewn together to create a 12-foot square block. There are over 47,000 panels that comprise the ever-growing AIDS Memorial Quilt.

As a reminder to the world that the AIDS epidemic is not over, Colorado AIDS Project brings several quilt blocks to Denver each year for public display. Each of these blocks will be displayed at Cheesman Park on August 20th as part of the 29th annual AIDS Walk Colorado.

If you would like to request a particular panel memorializing someone you know
to be brought to Denver, please make a written request to Colorado AIDS Project by June 31st.

Please include the following information with your request: Person remembered on the quilt, Person who created the quilt panel, Quilt block number if known. Click here to download a Quilt Panel Request Form.