Monday, November 7, 2016

OUT on DVD/VOD Tomorrow: Fire Song

Fire Song from Wolfe Video on Vimeo.

A thoughtful character study, FIRE SONG focuses on a young gay Anishinaabe man who is at a crossroads, forced to choose between the challenges of life on a homophobic First Nation reservation and his close knit family, a secret boyfriend, and the possibilities offered by the outside world.

Written and directed by Adam Garnet Jones, and starring Andrew Martin in a stellar debut film performance, the film features an ensemble cast of Two-Spirited people, newcomers and acting veterans: Mary Galloway, Harley Legarde, Jennifer Podemski, Ma-Nee Chacaby, Brendt Diabo, Alexis Legarde, Derek Miller, Misty White and Donna Chief.

Said filmmaker Jones, "It is important for Aboriginal writers and directors to tell stories that respect the complex social position of Aboriginal people, while also exploring the rich emotional and spiritual lives of our characters. The emotional world of Fire Song is rooted in my own experiences, and it celebrates the incredible resilience of our young people, the strength of our families, and our hope for the future."