Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Tell Congress: Don't legalize anti-LGBTQ discrimination

FADA prohibits the government from holding any business or person accountable for discriminating against LGBTQ people. Specifically, it would allow people and businesses to discriminate based on the beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman, and sex should only happen within such a marriage.3 To be absolutely clear, what Sen. Cruz and others who support FADA are saying is that anyone who has sex outside of a heterosexual marriage deserves to be discriminated against.

This legislation isn’t just dangerous for LGBTQ people. People, businesses and institutions would be able to legally discriminate against single mothers, unmarried couples and anyone who has sex outside of marriage with the blessing of the federal government. Those discriminated against would have no avenue for recourse, should FADA pass.

Tell Congress: Hold the line on FADA and protect LGBTQ people from discrimination. Click here to sign the petition.