Friday, August 25, 2017

One Colorado Releases Report of Anti-Bullying Policies in Colorado

By Keri Smith, Program Manager, One Colorado
Since 2011, with the passage of House Bill 1254, we have seen significant investment in bullying prevention efforts in Colorado — over 80 percent of school districts have updated their anti-bullying policies and have shown they are dedicated to protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students. However, a number of school districts in our state have yet to update their policies to dramatically improve the lives of LGBTQ young people and improve school climate.

Safe Schools for LGBTQ Students: A Look Back at Colorado’s Anti-Bullying Efforts, includes data from Colorado’s 178 school districts and their efforts to adopt anti-bullying policies to ensure all students — including LGBTQ students — feel safe, welcome, and empowered in their schools.

We know bullying is still prevalent in our schools, both in urban and rural areas, and LGBTQ young people are still among the most vulnerable to harassment and violence. One of the first ways school districts can tackle this issue is to make sure their policies explicitly enumerate protections for students based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity. One Colorado’s report shows that in addition to comprehensive anti-bullying policies, allowing students access to Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs), supportive educators, and LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum can create a more supportive environment for young people.

Is YOUR school district dedicated to protecting LGBTQ students? Read the full report to find out.

One Colorado is dedicated to a future where every young person in our state has a school environment where they feel safe, welcome, and empowered to make change. It is important we continue to work with school districts, administrators, educators, and students to build a climate across our state where LGBTQ students can be out and respected in their schools.