Wednesday, October 25, 2017

'Active Shooter' Episode to Focus on Pulse Night Club Shooting


This Friday's episode of Active Shooter: America Under Fire will focus on the events that took place at Pulse Night Club in Orlando.

Active Shooter: America Under Fire is an eight-part documentary series that explores one of the most important issues of our time in an effort to inspire a more thoughtful and sober dialog. Each of the eight episodes chronicles a different mass shooting from the perspective of the victims and heroic first responders offering a comprehensive, authentic examination of each tragedy. Within each incident, there are stories of extraordinary bravery and compassion as well as the factors that led to the deadly day. From Aurora to Orlando, the powers of storytelling and filmmaking inspire a new narrative about the mass shooting epidemic, where dialogue can supplant debate, and where the lives and loss of the victims can be felt by the audience to offer a new appreciation for the gravity of this pandemic and the urgent need to confront it.