Friday, October 27, 2017

OCEF 2016 Needs Assessment: A Look into the Lives of LGBTQ Coloradans and Their Families

Much has changed for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Coloradans and their families since One Colorado Education Fund (OCEF) was founded in 2010, including winning the freedom to marry, safer schools for LGBTQ students, increased access to healthcare, and greater protections for transgender Coloradans. Thanks to your participation in the 2016 Needs Assessment Survey, One Colorado better understands the work that still needs to be done to ensure every LGBTQ Coloradan can live openly and honestly across the state.

Last year OCEF surveyed over 3,500 LGBTQ Coloradans to learn about their experiences:
• Harassment and discrimination have increased for LGBTQ Coloradans in all aspects of daily life.
• More LGBTQ Coloradans have health insurance than ever before, but many people are still not out to their doctors.
• OCEF should advocate for additional social issues including fighting income inequality, increasing access to housing, and fighting racism.

Curious to learn more? You can find the whole report here.