Friday, October 6, 2017

One Colorado: The Trump Administration just took aim at LGBTQ Americans - AGAIN

Attorney General Jeff Sessions JUST issued guidance granting an anti-LGBTQ license to discriminate. This means federal government, staff, and contractors will now be able to claim their religion exempts them from federal laws, rules, and regulations meant to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people from discrimination.

Today’s decision, plus yesterday’s rollback of federal protections for transgender employees, opens a can of worms, which will create legal abuse and chaos. This license-to-discriminate promotes widespread, state-sanctioned, taxpayer-funded discrimination. It’s time to act today and tell Trump - Coloradans won’t foot the bill for discrimination.

Freedom of religion is one of our most fundamental values as Americans, which is why it’s already protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. But freedom of religion does not give people the right to impose their beliefs on others, to harm others, or to discriminate.

Thankfully, Colorado has already decided that discrimination has no place in our state—and we won’t let anyone, including Attorney General Sessions, roll back the clock.

We must respond loud and clear: CLICK HERE to tell Donald Trump to stop these shameful attacks on LGBTQ Americans! - via One Colorado