Tuesday, March 27, 2018

One Colorado: Vote on anti-LGBTQ bill happening in less than 24 hours

By Laura "Pinky" Reinsch, Political Director, One Colorado

You may have seen that Republicans in the Colorado House have introduced one of the most mean-spirited, blatantly anti-LGBTQ bills we've seen in the Colorado State Legislature in years.

Take action NOW and tell the committee to VOTE NO on House Bill 1206 and make sure discrimination against LGBTQ Coloradans doesn't become legal in Colorado.

Whether it’s in the areas of adoption and foster care, health care, housing, marriage, employment, or public spaces, House Bill 1206 is designed to roll back protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Coloradans and their families in nearly every facet of our lives.

Click here to tell the House Judiciary Committee how dangerous House Bill 1206 is.

This proposal goes as far, if not farther, than the infamous Amendment 2, which resulted in Colorado getting a reputation as the “Hate State.” We don’t need to turn back the clock on all the progress we’ve made. Whether it’s obtaining a marriage license, adopting or fostering a child, working at a job, or accessing healthcare, House Bill 1206 will create a license to discriminate against LGBTQ Coloradans for practically any reason.

Make your voice heard TODAY and tell the committee to VOTE NO.