Thursday, May 10, 2018

LGBT HealthLink E-Summit

Digital learning is a driving force in how healthcare education is administered, customized, and re-imagined. For this reason, LGBT HealthLink, a program of CenterLink, offers an alternative to a traditional in-person conference every year. The 2018 E-Summit presents outstanding topics to everyone interested in working toward the goal of LGBT health equity.

Join LGBT HealthLink and experts from around the country to learn in an inclusive environment of cultural understanding. Click the link for the schedule of webinars and register NOW for each and every workshop that supports you and the work you do:

 This three-day E-Summit will provide evidence-based information and content via webinar from a myriad of topics under the following tracks. This year's areas of focus are:

* LGBT Community Centers and Community-based Organizations
* Public Health Practitioners and Departments of Health
* Health Care Systems and Health Care Providers