Friday, May 25, 2018

Masterpiece Case Decision Day is Coming!

The Supreme Court will announce their decision sometime between now and the end of June. Our nation decided more than 50 years ago that when a business decides to open its doors to the public, that business should be open to all. That core principle is at the heart of how we treat one another. 

Recent findings show that 60% of Americans oppose allowing a small business owner in their state to refuse products or services to gay or lesbian people if providing them would violate their religious beliefs. Further, 70% of Americans favor laws that would protect LGBT people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. The results were published in a US News and World Report

The stakes in this case are incredibly high. A loss would open the door to much wider ranging forms of discrimination and a wider array of people facing discrimination. Sign on in support of the OpenToAll campaign to stay updated. As a supporter, you can also share some of the resources over social media and include the #opentoall hashtag in your posts.