Monday, June 4, 2018

ACLU: SCOTUS Masterpiece Decision - What To Do Now

By James Esseks, Director of the ACLU LGBT and HIV Project 

Today was the big day for Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado. The Supreme Court reversed the Colorado decision based on concerns specific to this case, but importantly, the Court recognized that the Constitution doesn't give businesses open to the public the right to discriminate.

People are already saying today's decision means that businesses can turn away LGBT people. It doesn't. And our laws should make crystal clear that no business has the right to discriminate against customers based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
That's why we need to support the historic Equality Act in Congress. If passed, the bill would protect LGBT people – as well as people of all races, genders, and creeds – from discrimination in key areas of life.
Sign this petition demanding that members of Congress support the Equality Act.
Most people know that discrimination against LGBT people is wrong. And yet we know all too well that it still happens today. It's time to update our federal laws to ensure comprehensive protection for LGBT people from discrimination in employment, housing, education, and access to public spaces. The Equality Act would ensure all people have the rights they deserve – for the first time ever.

ACLU Supporter, the Trump administration is fighting tooth and nail against us at every turn. But we can't let this political climate discourage and distract us from this serious issue. There's just too much at stake for so many LGBT people – and transgender people in particular. Trans people have been battling just to exist in public spaces like restrooms and locker rooms.

Tell Congress right now: Pass the Equality Act and make sure that nobody is subjected to the discrimination and pain that Charlie and Dave felt when they were turned away at Masterpiece Cakeshop.
Equality will never be real if we must fear being discriminated against because of who we are. It's time to take a giant step forward to provide additional protections to millions of people who face discrimination every day. Add your name and demand Congress pass the Equality Act now.