Tuesday, April 23, 2019

One Colorado: How did your legislators vote on Jude's Law?

By Sheena Kadi, Deputy Director, ​One Colorado 

We did it! After five years, the first transgender-specific piece of legislation introduced in Colorado is headed to Governor Polis's desk for his signature!

An iteration of a transgender birth certification modernization act has been introduced in Colorado each session since 2015. In previous sessions, the Republican leadership in the Senate would send this legislation to the kill committee, prohibiting members from the opportunity to vote on the bill. We are so excited to see this bill finally pass with bipartisan support in both legislative chambers.

Jude’s Law will cut through the red tape for transgender Coloradans trying to update the gender on their birth certificate, allowing them to have the identification documents that match who they are. Coloradans will be able to update their gender on their birth certificate to M, F or X — without a surgery, a doctor’s note, or court order. This bill removes both the surgery requirement and court order requirement, allowing trans people the ability to self-identify on their ID document. The bill removes the publication requirement for a name change in order to reflect one’s gender identity. A new birth certificate will be issued instead of an amended birth certificate when updating gender. Colorado is the third state in the country (including California and Oregon) to have non-binary gender options for both driver’s licenses and birth certificates.


Your elected officials recently cast their vote to cut through the red tape for transgender and nonbinary Coloradans to access identity documents that reflect their authentic selves. Show your elected officials that LGBTQ Coloradans and their families care about their votes and are watching to ensure that our elected officials are representing us. Send them a quick email now.