Thursday, May 30, 2019

One Colorado: Are you ready for Pride Month?

By Sheena Kadi, Deputy Director, One Colorado 
It's my favorite time of year - Pride Season! It's a whirlwind of events, connecting with friends, celebrating our successes, protesting the injustices that our community still faces - all wrapped up in music, decorated with rainbows, and covered in glitter.
This year is extra special in Colorado as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall with our country's first openly gay Governor, Jared Polis, and our state's first First Gentleman, Marlon Reis. This Pride Season is jam-packed with events. Whether you are a long-time supporter, or this is your first Pride, I hope to see you at one of these events soon! 
P.S. Friday at 9:30 AM, Governor Jared Polis will be signing two landmark pieces of LGBTQ legislation into law. Come join us for this historic day at the Colorado State Capitol!