Monday, October 7, 2019

Is it legal to fire someone for being gay or transgender?

By Team One Colorado: Daniel, Sheena, Garrett, Sarah, Jordan, Mikayla, Heidi, Kris

Aimee Stephens never saw how her colleagues at work would react to her gender transition. The owner of the funeral home where she worked fired her first.

Gerald Bostock claims everything was fine in his job as a social worker in Georgia until he joined a gay softball league. Then came the pink slip.

For skydiving instructor Donald Zarda, the termination came after the routine way he joked with a woman when the two had been strapped together shoulder-to-shoulder and hip-to-hip for a tandem jump. Something along the lines of, “Don’t worry, I’m gay.”

The three present the Supreme Court with a blockbuster question at the start of its new term: Is it legal to fire someone for being gay or transgender?

Join us on the West Steps of the Colorado State Capitol today, Monday, October 7th at 1:00 PM to stand in solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) workers.

Imagine being married on Sunday, putting a wedding photo of you and your spouse on your desk on Monday, and then being fired on Tuesday. This is a troubling reality for more the 44% of LGBTQ Americans - that’s 4.1 million people - that live and work in 29 states without employment non-discrimination laws protecting them from being unfairly fired, not hired, discriminated against or harassed in the workplace by employers on the basis of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.

Can't join us in person? Sign and share this petition telling the Supreme Court that it's not okay to fire someone simply because of who they love of how they identify. PETITION:

The law is on our side. Many federal courts and agencies have long held that firing someone simply for being transgender, gay, lesbian, or bisexual is unlawful sex discrimination. The Supreme Court must uphold these protections.