Monday, December 16, 2019

Take Action by Dec. 19th – What you need to know about a proposed HHS rule

Understanding the impact of a recent Trump Administration proposed rule is not simple or easy. On its face, the rule strips away comprehensive nondiscrimination protections for sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, and religion from many U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) programs, including Head Start, Meals on Wheels, and foster care. But some programs have their own protections. For example, the Affordable Care Act ensures there is no discrimination based on sex in healthcare services. Rather, making sense of this complicated proposed rule requires a program-by-program analysis.

MAP, in collaboration with Americans United, Family Equality Council, and National Center for Transgender Equality—with assistance from organizations including the ACLU and the Center for American Progress—have worked to get to the bottom about what this rule means for millions of people who rely on HHS programs. You can read more in this new analysis released today.

In short, this rule opens a can of worms: it strips away clear nondiscrimination protections, inviting service providers to take federal taxpayer dollars and turn people away from vital programs and services just because of who they are. This rule could affect many programs that millions of people depend on every day, such as programs older adults rely on for congregate meals, legal services, and transportation, Head Start programs for children, foster and adoption programs that help children, and more.

With this new proposed rule, discrimination based on sex could be allowed in programs serving older adults. Adoption agencies could refuse to consider otherwise qualified prospective foster or adoptive families because of their religion. And a whole host of HHS-funded programs could be unavailable to LGBT people.

A short 30-day comment period for this proposed rule closes next Thursday, December 19. Share your thoughts with the Trump Administration about what this proposed rule means to you and your family. - via MAP

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