Monday, May 18, 2020

2020 MMAA National Gala Canceled

By Jennifer Dane, Interim Executive Director, Modern Military Association of America

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s no way to sugar coat this.

Because the health and safety of our members and supporters are the most important thing right now, we must cancel the 2020 MMAA National Gala that was planned for September.

This is deeply disappointing to all of us. The MMAA National Gala is our one big opportunity each year to gather with friends, celebrate the LGBTQ military and veteran community, and raise crucial funds in our fight for equality.

This year was going to be an especially important event as we celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the repeal of "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" and focus on the battles we have yet to win. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we simply don’t anticipate being able to safely bring together hundreds of people in September.

Unfortunately, this also places us in a difficult position financially. The MMAA National Gala is our one big annual fundraising event. Without the corporate sponsorships and individual donations from the event, we will fall short of what we need to continue our mission.

So today, if you're able, I’m asking you to help us fill the gap caused by cancelling the event. I know many of you are not in a position to be able to contribute. But if you have the ability, we'd be so very grateful. Every little bit counts.

If you make a tax-deductible donation now, we will be able to continue our incredibly important mission in education, advocacy and support for the LGBTQ military and veteran community.