Monday, September 28, 2020

24th ANNUAL 


Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 United States Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA) will take place online Oct. 19-21. Registration is FREE for the first 4,000 community/non-profit registrants.* And all content will be available online for FREE after the conference. With all of this year’s extraordinary events, NMAC knows that many in our community are dealing with isolation and other triggering issues right now. That’s why they have decided to return to a recent theme: Family Reunion II. USCHA 2020 will give everyone a meeting that is welcoming and embracing and inspiring even if we can’t be together in person. Now more than ever, we need our family.

NMAC sees family as more than blood. Family is the people you trust to have your back, especially now. Family is the people you want to hug when you should be socially distancing. The HIV movement is a large and diverse family. During these uncertain times, USCHA celebrates the HIV Family!

The Virtual 2020 USCHA will have five plenaries, 60 workshops, 12 institutes, and an Exhibit Hall. New this year will be a Jobs Fair. The new federal resources for the Ending the HIV Epidemic plan means thousands of new jobs. USCHA wants to bring together the people who need jobs with the organizations who receive the new EHE funding. They also want to make sure that the people who get these jobs represent the communities hit hardest by HIV.

While there are many critical issues impacting HIV, right now the house is on fire and COVID-19 is stoking the flames. USCHA will prioritize trainings that help the HIV community manage the impact that COVID-19 has had on HIV prevention, treatment, and care.