Tuesday, March 2, 2021

NMAC: Statement of Support for HHS Secretary Nominee Xavier Becerra

NMAC, formerly the National Minority AIDS Council, strongly supports the confirmation of Health and Human Services nominee Xavier Becerra.

"We applaud President Biden for nominating a person of the strongest character and a history of fighting for minority health equity, Xavier Becerra," said Paul Kawata, Executive Director of NMAC. "Attorney General Becerra has a long record of expanding healthcare to minorities and fighting for vital federal funding to end the HIV epidemic.  As President Biden recommits to ending the epidemic, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will be critically important to not only delivering results, but to ensure those who don't have access to healthcare will not be forgotten.”

"I've had the great pleasure of working with then-Congressman Becerra," said Joe Huang-Racalto, Director of Government Relations and Public Policy for NMAC. "His forward-thinking and defense of those who have no voice, makes him uniquely qualified at this critical time. Aside from executing President Biden's promise to end the HIV epidemic, Mr. Becerra must rebuild trust among the minority communities. NMAC looks forward to working with Secretary Becerra and we strongly recommend his swift confirmation.”