Showing posts with label The Gay Vegans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Gay Vegans. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Gay Vegans: Don't Give Up On Exercise!

By Dan HanleyAt 47 I ran my first half-marathon. I remember feeling like I was in the best health ever while training and then successfully completing the run. I loved the whole process so much that I did a second half-marathon the following year. For those of you who were reading my blog back then, you’ll remember that I did these runs as part of a fundraiser for a homeless youth agency in Denver I support. Running for a cause definitely helped!

These days, just a couple years later and now 51, I’m not as physically fit as I was back then and sometimes I feel like giving up. Not giving up on a muscle-chiseled body (I’ve never exercised for that purpose) but in the sense of the commitment and effort to work out so I stay as healthy as possible.

I’m not giving up, and neither should you.

One can be the best vegan ever and if there is no exercise going on then the health effects of being vegan will only go so far. The real reason for me not wanting to give up is because I feel so much better, both physically and mentally, when I exercise that no matter how “tough” it might be for me it is all totally worth it.

I know that life is crazy. Days fly by and before you know it a month has passed. Then a year. With work, family, traffic, activism and so on, it’s easy (at least for me) to think that there is no time to work out, or that it’s a hassle. It’s all worth it for me. Sometimes it’s a quick walk around the block from our home. Maybe it’s going up and down the stairs at work. Running is fun and for me when I run consistently I feel incredible. The gym is great. No matter what weight you can lift, it’s exhilarating! There is also yoga, swimming, racquetball and so much more! In regards to exercise, there is something for everyone.

Don’t give up. And definitely don’t shame yourself for not exercising this way or that amount of time. Exercise at a level that works for you. If I can keep it up so can you!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Gay Vegans: Making My Days Matter

By Dan Hanley

This isn’t a post about life, or living life to the fullest. It’s a simple post about remembering (or being reminded) that life is short. It goes by super fast. Some days I can’t believe I am 51. And while so much is going on in the world and every day I still want to take action to make the world better and safer for all living beings, there are times when I have to stop and take a deep breath.

Recently I did that at Cardiff By The Sea State Beach near San Diego. Even with a wet suit the water was cold, yet I felt invigorated with time in the water and time just sitting on the beach looking out to the vast Pacific ocean.

And although this post isn’t about living life to the fullest, it is about asking you to consider to make each day matter. That’s what I have been thinking of lately, and something I try to do daily. Some days it’s just being vegan or just posting a news item on Twitter that I think will benefit others. Other days it’s taking action, writing blog posts, holding those in power accountable.

And sometimes it’s simply laying on the beach while embracing gratitude.

We all have so much going on. Take a moment for yourself, whatever that looks like. We can’t be of service to others if we are not taking care of ourselves.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Gay Vegans: 21st Century Vegan!

By Dan Hanley

I was just at Expo West for the past three days and just had to write a quick post about my immediate thoughts.

The world has obviously changed since I became vegan 21 years ago, and after walking the aisles of Expo West I am ecstatic to say that veganism today has an all-time high of options. No matter your favorite vegan food, flavor, texture or item, there is something new and amazing coming, and coming soon.

A quick tease:

Gluten-free and soy free pre-made pancake mix from Follow Your Heart. And it’s delicious!

Intensely flavored vegan cheese by Leaf.

Field Roast’s new Mac ‘n Chao.

Northern Lights gummy vitamins that taste fantastic.

Cave Shake! Delicious coconut milk shake.

And so much more. Organic seeds so we can grow our own food to organic nuts and better ways to grow food. My list goes on and on. The world is getting better and better for vegans.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Gay Vegans: No Human Being Is Illegal

By Dan Hanley

“I knew it! The Gay Vegans support illegals!”

“I hope you know you support people taking our jobs.”

“They are welcome but need to come in how my family did.”

 “F**k them.”

The photo here is of a group of immigrants from Ireland in 1909. A few years after this photo was taken my grandfather made the journey to America from County Mayo, Ireland, joining his sister who had come over first. It wasn’t easy. Much of the vile expressed towards immigrants these days was expressed towards them and other Irish when they arrived. And just like today, many immigrants coming into this country in the early 1900s did not have legal documents.

I recently saw a tee shirt being sold by one of my favorite bands, Rise Against, as a fundraiser for one of my favorite non-profits, the ACLU. The front of the tee is the Rise Against logo and on the back a simple statement: No Human is Illegal.

The news is horrifying, especially if you are living in the US without legal documents. This could mean you were brought here as a child by parents or grandparents and only know the US as your home, or you came here twenty years ago on a visa with limited time and decided to stay. Meanwhile, you worked, paid taxes, became part of the economy and community here. Then, preparing for your appointment with immigration, you find out that the appointment is to detain you and begin the process of deporting you. Not your four children who were born here, just you.

Because you are an illegal alien. You are not just illegal, you’re an illegal alien. Except that you’re not from Mars, you’re from Gambia. Or El Salvador.

Some Americans veins pop when discussing people here without legal documents. This is one reason so many voted for the current President. They are vile. They are heathens. They are godless. They do not hold “my” Christian values. They are taking jobs that my son or granddaughter should have. Some do not think of them as neighbors or human beings, nor do they think real numbers like the estimated $12 billion a year they add to Social Security, knowing they will not reap a penny of that. By the way, that number came from the Social Security Administration in 2014.

I would love it if the entire conversation about immigrants here without legal documents was toned down a bit. It’s horrifying watching people, especially people of faith demonize human beings who are living, working, loving and adding to our communities in so many positive ways.As one who believes we all have more in common than not, there has to be common space for all of us.

What I can do today is to let my representatives in the state house and the US Capitol know that I support all immigrants. That deporting someone who has lived here for years makes no sense, and is in fact not how our country treats people. For the few immigrants who have committed crimes, sure, some of them should be deported. Yet time after time others get caught in the web of “criminals”. And for goodness sake, do not demonize human beings in my name.

I know this is a tough topic for many. It’s one that will be around for a long time. Let’s talk about it without demonizing immigrants or each other.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Gay Vegans: Expo West

By Dan Hanley

On March 9th I’ll be heading south to Anaheim to Expo West for a couple of days.

If you’ve never heard of this five day annual conference focused on anything that has to do with natural foods and natural products, click here for the conference website.

I will be attending for the third time. As a blogger, I attend for a couple of reasons. First, to explore everything new around vegan foods and products. If something is out there, it will be at Expo West. Second, I go to interview companies whose products I purchase about transgender policies, LGBTQ issues, human rights issues and how their employment policies treat those who identify as LGBTQ.

If you’re going to Expo West, please let me know. I love meeting people from all over, especially other bloggers and activists.

If you know of a new product/company that I should check out at Expo West, let me know!

If you want to follow my escapades and eating adventures during Expo West, follow me on Twitter @thegayvegans.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Gay Vegans: Pick An Action, Any Action

By Dan Hanley

Pick an action, any action Now is not a time to sit on the sidelines. With so much going on in the world, it’s time to act. Many who read this blog are already engaged in some type of activism and action, and I am grateful to be immersed in community with you. For those in our communities who have thought about doing something but aren’t quite there, now is the time to pick an action, any action.

The Dakota Pipeline.

A crazy election.


Local injustice.

The list is endless. I believe we all have the power to make our world a safer, better place for all. We all have passions and many of us are in a position to make change. Action can be attending a local protest or even creating one of your own. It can be a letter to the editor. It can be an article that explains an issue that is important to you shared on your Facebook page. Things we have done recently include a vegan potluck to introduce delicious vegan food to friends and neighbors who are not vegan as well as using our social media to put a spotlight on what is happening in North Dakota. We also made a donation to a group we love that is doing incredible work in Los Angeles. None of these are big actions, and we think each has made a difference.

One person can make a huge difference.

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Gay Vegans: Take Action - Call

By Dan Hanley

It’s been difficult at best to keep up with everything going on in the world this past week. Every day it seems that there are new edicts from President Trump, most of which I oppose, which are only added to the cabinet nominations I oppose.

To keep this post quick, one action item that is simple, takes very little time, and is effective, is to connect with your US Representative and your two US Senators. Call them. Tell them what you think. This can be especially helpful with the current cabinet nominations. Even though your US Representative does not have a vote, they might be able to pass along large amounts of opinions to your US Senator.

I put all of these peoples phone numbers into my phone address book.

This can be effective especially if you live in states where one or both of your US Senators are Republican. For example, I am opposed to Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education and Jeff Sessions as Secretary of State. Getting just a few Republicans to vote against these two would give the votes needed to vote them down.

The US Capital Switchboard is 202.224.3121. Call and ask for your Rep or Senator.

Actions are working, if nothing more to bring more attention to what is happening. Just this weekend protests erupted at airports around the country, making the new policy of not allowing citizens of seven countries into the US a lead story in many newscasts.

One other action item that has been super helpful to me is the Resistance Manual that I heard of from activist Deray McKesson. Check it out here.

More to come. We have the power.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Gay Vegans: Nonviolent Resistance

By Dan Hanley

It will be no surprise that I let you know that we have been protesting the president-elect and many of his nominees for his cabinet. We have also been protesting Mike Pence and his fellow religious extremists in Congress who are focused on big changes in education, healthcare, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights and the environment.

When I write about protest I’d like to remind you that I am one of those who still believes in nonviolent protest. It’s the only way for me and it’s what I suggest when communicating with those who read my blog.

I bring this up not only because of the MLK holiday, but because I see more and more protesters embracing violence. My most recent thought came from seeing a photo of looters who were part of the gasoline protests in Mexico. They weren’t looting gasoline or food or other necessities. They were grabbing “stuff”. Destroying someones small store and taking “stuff”.

Other violence I have seen has been among protesters themselves. Starting to fight because their words seemed not enough during their disagreement.

As with everything for me, I focus on what I can do and what is right for me, without saying that what others is doing is totally messed up. On many levels I understand violence, and for me I am a more effective activist without violence.

There are many ways to protest nonviolently. Gandhi and King showed us great, effective examples. I like to call truth to power. I like to find solid, truthful facts and share them with people I know give a shit about whatever topic those facts relate to. I like to write blog posts, engage politicians on social media, make phone calls to politicians to share my opinion on issues and upcoming legislation, attend protests, and donate to organizations fighting the good fight.

While doing what I can to protest, resist and disrupt, I try to keep in my mind those I am taking these actions for: refugees; immigrants; the millions of animals being tortured and living in fear just to become dinner; the gay guy sitting in a Tunisian jail cell; people living in extreme poverty who many times experience no real justice; my trans siblings who could encounter violence at any moment and out of nowhere; any person who needs to go to a community health clinic because it is their only option; any child who is growing up disenfranchised, abused, living in fear. Are my actions benefiting them or adding a negative perspective on them?

As a blogger with a blog called The Gay Vegans, I’m used to all types of “feedback”. I am open to yours and open to always engaging in conversation around how the collective “we” can work towards liberation, equality and justice. I am equally open to always trying to build bridges among communities that may seem completely separate.

Thanks very much for reading.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Gay Vegans: Do You Need A Good Laugh Today?

By Dan Hanley

I am on the last day of a break from work and have had a wonderful day. I know there is so much going on in the world that is taking its toll on many of us, and after experiencing something so funny today I thought I would share it.

This has to do with a text interaction between me and Mike. I don’t think you need to personally know us to get the funniness of this, but I will let you know a few things first. The story is about me going to Costco by myself. Typically we go together, but I was off and decided to run errands. When we are together I always want to buy things in bulk that we don’t need (I blame watching The Walking Dead for this), and Mike lovingly steers me away from the bulk idea reminding me that it would take forever for us to use whatever item I am wanting to buy in bulk at the moment.

So today I’m in Costco on my own and gathering the items I went there for. I also always search the frozen aisles in hopes that they might have begun to carry a delish vegan product we use. As I make my way, I see bags of flour, both 25lb and 50lb bags. Thinking of the pot pie I make and the pancakes I make (two of my all-time favorite recipes that you can find on the Helpful Websites & Blogs page at the top of the blog site), which both use flour, I thought it might be a good idea to get the 25lb bag. Plus, it was only $4.99!

In all seriousness, I text Mike to see if he thinks I should get the 25lb bag. I then place it in my cart along with the tofu, hummus, frozen fruit, broccoli, coffee and rice milk. After moving on a few aisles I decide that perhaps 25lbs is too much and go put it back. I get a few other items and then head home.

While putting away everything at home, I get Mike’s response to my original question, which is a simple “NO!”. Smiling, I decide to play with him and respond back saying “Whew. I was thinking that too so I got the 50lb bag. It was so cheap!”

I was laughing pretty hard at this point. He responds with a “What?”. I write back “It was only $8” as I am practically busting a gut in the middle of our kitchen. “You bought it?” he asks, to which I respond “Not the 25. The 50” and I am laughing so hard that I have trouble catching a breath.

A few minutes later he calls and as soon as I hear his voice I lose it. He of course was pretty sure I was kidding all along but I have to say that the whole exchange was spectacularly funny to me. I’m not sure if it will come across as that funny to you who are reading this, but believe me, for me it was out of the park hilarious. I had a great laugh and was once again reminded about how much in love I am with my husband.

I hope this at least brought a smile to your face!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Be Yourself

By Dan Hanley

There is so much going on in our communities.

With everything going on, it seems many have lost a sense of how to communicate or debate without completely demonizing whoever they disagree with. This is a huge bummer for me, as someone who is always trying to engage with others and to encourage our readers to be a part of the debate. Please remember through all of this, no matter what, to be yourself.

Yes, there are those who will attack you and in some cases even get ugly. Even people you are in relationship with might get a little pissy. We cannot remain silent. And it’s pretty simple to express ourselves without being judgmental or unkind to others. Also, there is no shortage of opportunities to speak out against something that horrifies and speak up for something that we wholeheartedly support.

Turn to politics. It’s vital that we are involved and if we remain silent people who do not value what we value could get elected. Get involved.

With veganism and animal rights there are opinions all over the place as to what that means. If you don’t think promoting cage free eggs or humane meat helps animals who are suffering right now, then say something. If you’ve made a vegan recipe that blew your mind, share it. Support a group that fights for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to speak out for what you believe in. There are so many voices out there, and a lot of noise, so make sure yours is part of that!

Be yourself. Wear a t-shirt that promotes your beliefs. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Promote a link on your social media. Make a donation to a non-profit that matches your values.

The most important thing to me personally is that when you do all of this, do it with kindness, compassion and love. Remember that, especially when expressing your opinions on animal rights and animal cruelty, that you may be the only voice that a suffering animal has. There are times when disrupting and being loud are necessary, but when expressing yourself to people you know and during your day to day life, kindness prevails.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Get Politically Involved

By Dan Hanley

This post will be no surprise to those of you who have read just even a few of my posts over the years.

One cannot pay attention to any news source without getting a big dose of what the President-elect is up to, especially in regards to nominees. My personal thoughts range from wanting to chuckle to thinking that this particular person will never be voted in by the Senate. I will definitely be writing whichever Senator I can to ask them to vote against several folks who have been nominated.

After the US Senate election in Louisiana on December 10th, we will have to deal with what we have: 48, possibly 49 Senators on the Dems side. This means three or two votes will be need from the Republican side to block a nomination.

Not impossible.

Meanwhile, there is work that can be done as elections for 2017 and 2018 start making way.

Congressional redistricting is a state issue. So are a bunch of other things that affect us every day. Positive change can begin in the governorships (map above is of those upcoming races) and state houses. Republicans have done a lot of damage in areas people like me care about because they have had unyielding power in the states.

We will in California where this is not an issue, and we can still help.Our neighbor Nevada will be having a governor’s election. My state of birth Michigan will also be electing a new governor. I will most likely spend time supporting campaigns in those states.

You might be thinking things like “I am too busy for this”, “they are all crooks anyway so it doesn’t matter” and/or “anything I do really won’t make a difference”. I get it. We’re all busy. Some of our lives won’t change with the new President. For me it’s about the lives of those who will be deeply effected with the new administration.

I can certainly make time to support those folks.

There will be awesome candidates to support, at least somewhere.

One person taking action and becoming active does indeed make a difference.

If any of this is of interest to you go ahead and Google “2017 or 2018 “your state” elections”. Or something like that.Find out who is wanting to have power in your state, and then decide whether or not you want to support them or those opposing them. Then get active.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Sometimes I Just Want to Write

By Dan Hanley

Warning: this is more of a personal thought than a newsworthy or action-seeking blog post.

A few months ago I moved The Gay Vegans blog hosting from Blogger to a WordPress site. Now I have control over the whole site and can advertise, sell, do pretty much whatever I want that I couldn’t do while on Blogger. I definitely feel much more independent as a blogger.

Yet after five years on Blogger I got accustomed to the simplicity and ease. I’m having a tough time with WordPress as I have to search for photos large enough for the post and am not able to use photos I take as they are too small.

The process seems to be more cumbersome, and sometimes I just want to write.

I want to write about Aleppo, veganism, animal rights, why I’m vegan, easy actions to take to support the voiceless and make the world a better, safer place. Other times I simply want to write about two married gay guys, married to each other, who live in the suburbs of Los Angeles and work every day to fight injustice and support those who are voiceless, invisible and forgotten.

Other bloggers have told me I will get used to this. Plus I still have so much to learn in regards to WordPress. For example, I wonder if I can use photos I take with my phone and perhaps make them larger on my laptop so they can be the Featured Image of a post? I know I can use them within a post, but they come out too small when I’ve tried to use them for the Featured Image.

Meanwhile, protests continue at Standing Rock, a right-wing woman with no experience in public education has been nominated to be our next head of the Department of Education, and many of us are excited about Torfurky and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for continuing with me through this new blog process. Most of all, thanks for continually working to be a voice for the voiceless and fighting for the invisible and forgotten.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Resistance and Obstruction

By Dan Hanley
There have been enough thoughts expressed about the Presidential election results here in the US. I of course have my own opinions, and while thinking about how I would approach my first blog post since the election I decided to write about what I and we can do today rather than writing about who I wish had voted or had done more. The words that come to me are resistance and obstruction.

I have laughed almost out loud when watching the news or reading articles online which say that some Republicans are telling people to support the will of the people, to support the new President and his new government. I laugh because for the past eight years Republicans have done everything they can to obstruct President Obama, and they have done so without any concern for the country. Now they want us to be quiet and to fall in line.

No thank you.

Before I suggest some action items, I’d like to say that I know some readers voted for Trump/Pence. We may disagree on many things yet I would also add that we have more in common than not. I hope you continue to read my blog and please know that I am always open to having a discussion of our views.

I have written my Congresswoman as well as my state legislatures asking them to obstruct the new President in any way they can. Of course state legislators have less power, yet I want them to know how I feel about all of this. I want them to stand up to the new President, and even more, I want them to stand up against his new cabinet, his Vice President, his government and his policies. I want them to remember who they represent and that there will most likely be many fights to come.

The Republicans will soon have a ton of power. They have had that same power in the recent past. I am much more concerned about this go around than when it last occurred that they had the Presidency, the House and the Senate. First is the US Supreme Court. A conservative court, especially a socially conservative court, could destroy women’s rights and LGBTQ rights. Immigration and the environment could also be hugely effected. I am concerned about the environment as most connected to the new President don’t believe in or don’t care about climate change.

Our electeds can do their best to fight and obstruct, and we must do the same. We must take action, and from my viewpoint, we must take non-violent action. I am totally opposed to violence in any form, and will speak out against violence and refuse to allow those using violence to speak in my name. I have already seen violence in the past few days and it sure bums me out. Violence weakens us.

There are many actions we can take now. We can start today. Some of these are actions I have consistently put out there and others are ones I have liked that I’ve read this week:

Speak out against any racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ, anti immigrant, etc. actions that you see. It might not be comfortable, but we must speak out against it. The owner of Walnut Cafe in Boulder, CO spoke out against a diner who had referred to those preparing her meal as “the Mexicans” and the woman who said the cruel words apologized to the staff. We must speak out against these terrible things happening in every community.

Find out who represents who in your state house and in Congress. Communicate with them your opinions on everything that is important to you. For your electeds in Congress, tell them to obstruct President Trumps actions in every way they can.

I am a Democrat. If you are also a Democrat, please write the DNC and tell them that they must clean house. They must become ethical and become an organization for the people, not for other Democrats in power.

Engage with those who might disagree with you. Be kind. If we keep yelling at each other nothing will change. I am certain that many people are open to honest conversation.

Donate to groups that will be fighting this new administration, like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. There are many more of course, but you get what I’m saying.

Love and nurture your communities. We all need this. We are much stronger together and there are many in our communities who are going through a lot right now. Be there for them.

Get out of ourselves. I spent time on skid row in downtown LA on Wednesday. It’s a weekly action for me but this time in particular was huge for me. Being of service to others helps them and you! It’s also how we should be anyway.

When speaking out against Trump, Pence are anyone they end up bringing into their government, use facts and not emotion. Our fight needs facts.

Finally, for now, get to know your electeds and get active politically where you live. It will make a difference come the next election.

Whew. More to come. I have already done most of what I wrote here. I haven’t encountered any person or group being attacked, but I am ready to support if/when that occurs.

This post has ended up being my longest ever. If you made it to the end, thank you. Together we can make sure that our communities stay safe in the next few years and that those things important to us are kept in the spotlight.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Vote Them Out

By Dan Hanley 

Vote them out Voting has begun around the country, and Mike and I are excited to go cast our ballots at an early voting station in LA later today.

As the daily news of Clinton vs. Trump makes the headlines, I have also been noticing articles about statements from Republicans in the House and Senate letting us know that they will eviscerate Hillary Clinton with investigations if she wins and that they are considering not filling the empty seat on the Supreme Court even after the election if she wins.

This from a Congress that has done nothing in the last four years. Seriously, nothing.

As a political junky, I look at political websites every morning to see what polls are saying in regards to the Presidential and US Senate races ( is my first look). It looks like there is a chance that the Democrats could take the Senate. The key states that don’t seem to be solid in one way or another are Nevada, Missouri, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. I’m not sure what House races look like, and often smile when thinking of the Democrats taking the House.

To be clear, I’m not a fan of every Democrat in US office. What I hope to express here is that I am done with Republicans in power who do nothing to address the issues that seriously affect our country and issues that could make life better for some in our country. Those in power have spent the last several years whining and complaining about the President while doing whatever they can to not accomplish anything.

This can all change. We can vote them out. Yes, we. I mean if we all do whatever we have time to do to support Democratic candidates in the states I listed above, and to share stories of what Republicans in power are saying about post-election governing.

Vote. Spread the word. Engage your fellow activists. Those in current power in the House and Senate do not give a shit about LGBTQ rights, especially trans rights, nor do they care about women’s rights, those living in poverty, homelessness, or the environment (can you say climate change?)

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Gay Vegans: My Gay Vegan Road Trip and the Election

By Dan Hanley

I am on vacation traveling around the country visiting family and friends. And eating amazing food wherever I go.

I am traveling alone as Mike can’t take off during the school year. I sure do miss him. This is the longest I have been without him!

Meanwhile, there is an election coming up and I have been able to speak with so many people all over the country about it. As I have written before, please remember that there are many offices aside President that will be decided on in a few weeks. So much power up for grabs, and each of us has a voice. Please vote all of the way down the ballot. No matter where you live, there is plenty of information on upcoming ballot initiatives and those running for office.

I’m currently in Denver and so happy to be back here. I can’t wait to tell you all about my eating adventures here and in Michigan!

We can be the voice for the voiceless and forgotten. No matter where I am, I remember this.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Be Yourself

By Dan Hanley

Be yourself! There is so much going on in our communities.

With everything going on, it seems many have lost a sense of how to communicate or debate without completely demonizing whoever they disagree with. This is a huge bummer for me, as someone who is always trying to engage with others and to encourage our readers to be a part of the debate. Please remember through all of this, no matter what, to be yourself.

Yes, there are those who will attack you and in some cases even get ugly. Even people you are in relationship with might get a little pissy. We cannot remain silent. And it’s pretty simple to express ourselves without being judgmental or unkind to others. Also, there is no shortage of opportunities to speak out against something that horrifies and speak up for something that we wholeheartedly support.

Turn to politics. It’s vital that we are involved and if we remain silent people who do not value what we value could get elected. Get involved.

With veganism and animal rights there are opinions all over the place as to what that means. If you don’t think promoting cage free eggs or humane meat helps animals who are suffering right now, then say something. If you’ve made a vegan recipe that blew your mind, share it. Support a group that fights for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to speak out for what you believe in. There are so many voices out there, and a lot of noise, so make sure yours is part of that!

Be yourself. Wear a t-shirt that promotes your beliefs. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Promote a link on your social media. Make a donation to a non-profit that matches your values.

The most important thing to me personally is that when you do all of this, do it with kindness, compassion and love. Remember that, especially when expressing your opinions on animal rights and animal cruelty, that you may be the only voice that a suffering animal has. There are times when disrupting and being loud are necessary, but when expressing yourself to people you know and during your day to day life, kindness prevails.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Vote

By Dan Hanley

Nothing new from this blogger. An elections looms in the near future and I am taking to my blog to ask you to vote.

Regardless where you live in the US, there are important issues on the ballot. Whether you decide to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or another candidate for President, there are dozens of other candidates in other races whose outcomes will affect your life and our lives.

The US Senate could be taken by the Democrats. No difference you say? Perhaps. Yet with all things being equal and if there is no difference I would still prefer that the US Senate be controlled by Democrats.

Although there is no talk about the Democrats taking over the US House, imagine the craziness that would ensue if they did?

From university regents to local school boards and city contests, our votes can rock the world. A bit naive? Maybe. I truly believe that whatever your fight is, engaging with the candidates that will represent you in whatever forum will help your fight. I’ve experienced this myself.

Please vote, and vote all of the way down the ballot. If you are unfamiliar with candidates, check them out. Same with referendums.

I work daily for a safer, better world for all living beings. I work to support the voiceless and to by an ally or comrade to those fighting fights I agree with. Certainly there is a candidate in every race where my views match higher than the other, even if just a pinch.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Pick An Action, Any Action

By Dan Hanley

Now is not a time to sit on the sidelines. With so much going on in the world, it’s time to act. Many who read this blog are already engaged in some type of activism and action, and I am grateful to be immersed in community with you. For those in our communities who have thought about doing something but aren’t quite there, now is the time to pick an action, any action.


The Dakota Pipeline.

A crazy election.


Local injustice.

The list is endless. I believe we all have the power to make our world a safer, better place for all. We all have passions and many of us are in a position to make change. Action can be attending a local protest or even creating one of your own. It can be a letter to the editor. It can be an article that explains an issue that is important to you shared on your Facebook page. Things we have done recently include a vegan potluck to introduce delicious vegan food to friends and neighbors who are not vegan as well as using our social media to put a spotlight on what is happening in North Dakota. We also made a donation to a group we love that is doing incredible work in Los Angeles. None of these are big actions, and we think each has made a difference.

One person can make a huge difference.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Shout out to Toronto Pig Save

By Dan Hanley

The videos always strike me. Animals headed for slaughter in a truck are seen exhausted, overheated, with big eyes. Some show fear, others enjoy a drop of water or a loving scratch. Within hours all of the pigs will be slaughtered and on their way to becoming bacon.

I’m very grateful to those with Toronto Pig Save, whom I learned about on Instagram, for what they do. Actions of not only compassion but of being a voice for sentient beings on their way to slaughter.

This week, their co-founder, Anita Krajnc, went to court after being charged with criminal mischief for giving condemned pigs water. Apparently it is legal in Canada to deny animals headed to slaughter food and water for 36 hours.

Anita’s trial started this past week. The best report I could find about the trial is here. I am unsure of the result. Nonetheless, please check out Toronto Pig Save and support them in any way you can. That could mean spreading the word of their work all the way to making a donation to support what they do.

Compassion. That’s what this is all about for me.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Gay Vegans: Be Yourself!

By Dan Hanley

There is so much going on in our communities.

With everything going on, it seems many have lost a sense of how to communicate or debate without completely demonizing whoever they disagree with. This is a huge bummer for me, as someone who is always trying to engage with others and to encourage our readers to be a part of the debate. Please remember through all of this, no matter what, to be yourself.

Yes, there are those who will attack you and in some cases even get ugly. Even people you are in relationship with might get a little pissy. We cannot remain silent. And it’s pretty simple to express ourselves without being judgmental or unkind to others. Also, there is no shortage of opportunities to speak out against something that horrifies and speak up for something that we wholeheartedly support.

Turn to politics. It’s vital that we are involved and if we remain silent people who do not value what we value could get elected. Get involved.

With veganism and animal rights there are opinions all over the place as to what that means. If you don’t think promoting cage free eggs or humane meat helps animals who are suffering right now, then say something. If you’ve made a vegan recipe that blew your mind, share it. Support a group that fights for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to speak out for what you believe in. There are so many voices out there, and a lot of noise, so make sure yours is part of that!

Be yourself. Wear a t-shirt that promotes your beliefs. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Promote a link on your social media. Make a donation to a non-profit that matches your values.

The most important thing to me personally is that when you do all of this, do it with kindness, compassion and love. Remember that, especially when expressing your opinions on animal rights and animal cruelty, that you may be the only voice that a suffering animal has. There are times when disrupting and being loud are necessary, but when expressing yourself to people you know and during your day to day life, kindness prevails.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.