Friday, July 10, 2009

Kicked out for kissing

So two gay guys were kicked out of an El Paso, Texas restaurant for kissing and when they called the cops to complain, wait for it ... the cops told the gay guys that homosexual conduct was illegal!

It's not.

The Texas law against homosexual conduct was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003.


Homosexual conduct was illegal in Texas until 2003?


Between this story and the one about the kids being kicked out of the pool in Philadelphia the other day I am about to go on a rampage.

I think it might be a good idea to contact both Chico's Tacos and the El Paso Police Department and let them know what we think about all of this.

The phone number for the Chico's Tacos where this happened is 915-849-8777.

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